Hello floralpreneur!
Welcome to my 10 Website tips.
You’ll find 2 password protected videos in this training.
An excellent website should be one of your sharpest sales tools.
It’s the most powerful and meaningful way to engage your potential clients and show the world what your brand is all about.
Your website is the first point of contact with potential customers.
A less-than-stellar website presence is a lost opportunity.
Ideal customers must feel a connection to you or your brand asap.
What makes an excellent website?
This depends on your brand and who you’re selling to!…keep reading…
Bounce with me…
How long does it take you to decide whether you’re going to explore someone’s website or immediately click to exit and close that tab?
If you’re anything like me, or the millennials you serve, it probably takes less than 5 seconds to leave a website if you don’t find what you’re looking for. You have even have as few 3 seconds to get your message across…and that’s not very long.
Your website is your first impression.
It’s your chance to tell your ideal clients everything they need to know about your company and most importantly it’s your opportunity to invite them to contact you to learn more. (Make those first 3-5 seconds count.)
Engagement increases with clarity.
The clearer you can be about who your serve and what they really need from you, the more you’ll attract those ideal clients–the customers that truly love you!
Ideal clients are usually the gigs that are the most exciting.
That’s why you always want to book more of them!
This means you have to put in the work to improve your site and represent your brand to keep attracting those ideal clients over and over again!
It takes some work, but it pays dividends!
This website training includes 2 Video replays from my Build A Better Website Group on Facebook with 10 Tips to Help Build A Better Website.
Click to watch Part 1:
password: web-guru
Note: Here’s a link to my “work with me” page on my website: https://floralartvt.com/wedding-query
If you’d like to learn more about The Art of Good Business click here! (registration is open now.)
Working with ideal clients is a gift each and every time.
Good brands don’t stumble upon ideal customers. You (the brand) have to know who your ideal customers are!
In order to know who they are, you have to look for them, get to know them; it’s your job to “discover them”.
What about customers who are “less than perfect” or “not ideal”?
Not every single customer is absolutely ideal all the time; not by a mile.
There are times when we simply feel like we have to book a job because we run a business, whether the customer is ideal for us, or far, far from it.
But I can tell you this from experience: the more I work with my ideal customers, the more I get to know my ideal customer and with time, these ideal customers seem to find me more and more.
Click to watch Part 2:
password: web-guru
Pro-tip: There is a serious amount of actionable advice in these videos.
Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed by the work of building a better website.
Be grateful for the fact that you CAN do this work yourself.
It’s a lot of work, but you can do it.
A great website helps the client feel what it’s like to work with your brand.
I hope you’ll make some time to reflect on your current brand and consider what makes you truly unique, as well as what your ideal customers really need from you.
There are 2 ways that I can help you take your website and branding to the next level.
The Art of Good Business and Build A Better Website are two online courses that walk you through all of my very best website & branding advice to help you take action to make real changes to your current website & help you attract more ideal clients.
Note: If you sign up for Build A Better Website, you’ll have the option to “dig deeper” and upgrade to The Art of Good Business at any time.
Important note: A website is never “done” and neither is your branding.
You can’t start with perfect. Perfect branding doesn’t happen right away.
Take it one step at a time.
Building a sought-after business is about defining your brand and identifying ideal customers.
We have to try things, make changes, reflect on what we’re actually doing, saying and delivering.
A dedicated business owner cares enough to see what’s going wrong and tries to fix it.
You have the power to build a better website…and then, make it even better.
Keep doing beautiful work!
Thanks for watching.
xo. -Alison
Are you ready to take your website to the next level?
Click here to read what’s included in my Build A Better Website Course.
Let’s “dive deep” into what you can do to improve your website.