I wrapped up my Marketing Workshop for Florists last week and I want to share a conversation I had with a successful floral designer yesterday in a one-on-one call.
We were talking about her future business goals and she said something that stood out to me: “I want to be MORE than relevant!” Does that resonate with you the way it did with me? If so click to listen below! (And learn more about The Art of Good Business HERE!)
After running my floral design business for 22 years, staying relevant still matters, and I’ve learned that your branding and marketing strategies are as important to your overall success as your floral design skills!
And if you want to stay MORE than relevant, it requires thinking outside of the box and doing things a little bit differently than everybody else!
Because an intentional branding and marketing strategy helps you attract great clients, which makes it easier to close more sales because your clients are already excited to work with you AND they can afford to pay you!
But you have to have a plan to help your brand stand out first!
And it makes sense, right? With so many florists out there following the same social media trends, it’s essential that your unique brand strengths stand out–so you’re NOT “just another florist”.
And if you’re like most floral designers, you’re NOT a branding expert, so you may be making some of the mistakes I see others make (some I’ve made myself, too).
I realized years ago that failure to address these mistakes means you run the risk of spending a lot of time (and money!) on marketing & branding attempts that don’t resonate with your ideal customers and won’t grow your business in the way you want.
It is for this very reason that I’ll be teaching florists how to establish your own magnetic branding and marketing strategy inside The Art of Good Business in January!
In just 4-weeks along with live coaching from me, you’ll learn proven techniques to help you attract the right clients (and repel the wrong clients).
Plus, you’ll learn how to prequalify clients, so that you’re no longer writing quotes for clients who can’t afford you.
And how to create a sense of urgency, so that your ideal clients get to “yes” more quickly.
And the best part, I’ll walk you through it ALL step-by-step LIVE in January–so you don’t have to do this alone!
How great would it feel to start the new year in your business with an actual strategy to bring the best clients to you? Enroll today and take the NEXT step towards leveling-up your brand strategy NOW! Click HERE To Sign Up!
The florists who follow the strategies I teach say that they’ve improved their booking rate, increased their sales and feel more confident in how they talk to their ideal clients on social media. This course works if you do the work.
Good brands are built, not born.
(And YOU are the architect.)
That’s why I do this work EVERY year in my own business to make sure I consistently reach my ideal clients. And once you enroll, you’re invited to join me EVERY January to do this work again. Because marketing and branding takes practice.
I’d love to see you inside The Art of Good Business along with the floralprenerus who already took the leap to join me in January!
And if you have any hesitation about whether it’s right for you, don’t hesitate to reach out to ask me anything!
I am a real person behind this course and I’m here to help.
Very best,
Alison Ellis