What do new florists need to know?
Well, frankly, a lot! And after over 25 years in the floral industry I am amazed at some of the basic flower care fundamentals that are missed along the way.
How are these floral fundamentals missed? Because there isn’t 1 straight line into floral design. I trained in traditional flower shops for 9 years and earned a B.S. in Plant & Soil Science before staring my own floral business, but florists often fall into flowers (hence the name of my book, Falling Into Flowers!), which means there’s a lack of uniformity around specific flower care knowledge and industry standard protocols, in addition to all the “business stuff” I’m always teaching in my courses and my Facebook group.
One of the biggest issues new florists face is a fear of asking embarrassing questions–I hear it all the time, “I’m too embarrassed to ask in your Facebook group, but….”
I’ve learned though if one florist has a question, that means that most likely many others have a similar question, so I am dedicating the month of April to Newbies!
- What questions do you want to ask?
- What basic flower care issues do you have?
- What are you too afraid to ask out loud that you’re really eager to get an answer to?
Click here to ask me anything anonymously (or include your name and e-mail if you’re interested in talking further with me). I have a lot of wonderful floral friends I can reach out to to answer your questions, too, so if I don’t have an answer for you, I will get one! Now’s your chance to ask anything!
Florists must dedicate ourselves to continued learning (and unlearning) to develop strong roots that allow us to create long-lasting fruitful floral businesses. Never stop learning.
FYI I share “Everything I Wish I Knew Before Starting My Business” in my free eBook and you can grab it HERE.
Keep doing beautiful work, Floralpreneur®!
xo. -Alison